
We first identified our survey area, which was based on sightings, preferred habitat, and available resources. The shores of Lake Eyasi are semi- arid and rocky environment, ideal striped hyena habitat. They are also found close to water sources and can drink salt water like that in Lake Eyasi. Along with habitat there are also food resources available. Lake Eyasi is also popular for fishing, which gives opportunities to scavenge left over fish. Striped hyenas are omnivores and are known for crop raiding, including on maize fields, which surround the shore of Lake Eyasi:

Camera trapping
Once identifying our camera trap placements from our transect surveys, we will be able to get photographic evidence of the species, which was last recorded at Lake Eyasi in 2015. Similarly, to the pattern on spotted hyenas, the pattern on a striped hyena is different for each individual. The most accurate pelage markings for identification are on the hind limbs and forelimbs. From individual identification, we can calculate striped hyena abundance and distribution throughout Lake Eyasi. 

Citizen Science 

Due to the few numbers of striped hyena and their elusive nature, they are rarely seen. To increase our survey effort, we have started a citizen science project whereby we employ the local community to assist us by reporting sighting and potential den locations of striped hyena. Local knowledge is vital for conservation, especially when the species is so elusive. With the local communities help we can